Please fill in your detailed requests on “Submit Guide Request” Page bellow and send it to us.

Our guide will get back to you about our services within one (1) week. Thank you.


1) Our guide service will be conducted in English speaking and for a group of max. ten (10) people; We will attend a group by two (2) guides for safety.

2) Your guide request has to be sent to us up to one (1) month before your requested date of the guide.

3) Actual expenses have to be charged to guests. 

4) We ask you to make sure to check the details of the courses on the page of Guide Request since actual expenses differ depending on the course.

5) We intend to do our utmost to offer the best possible guidance, but please note that we do not guarantee a professional level of quality in our guidance.

6) No Liability:

6)-1 Tourist activities may involve strenuous physical activities and other risks to property or persons. KWSe assumes no liability for injury, damage, or stolen property during its activities.

6)-2 We will call off our guide service if a severe weather warning is issued by the local meteorological agencies and/or when we can not guarantee safety in our guide service due to unexpected bad weather.

6)-3 We reserve the right to terminate our service at any point of the tour, if our guide becomes sick or if it is judged to be difficult for us to continue our guide service due to your inappropriate conduct.

We will accept your guide request on condition that you can thoroughly agree to the above descriptions.

Kyoto Welcome Supporter English (KWSe)